OFF-GRID Internet: How to get Internet Access when living off the grid - Connecting to the internet from Rural areas or during long-term disasters
Going off-grid doesn’t mean you have to cut all ties to civilization. In fact, thanks to modern technology, you can still live your off the grid dreams while still staying connected to the rest of the world. One of the questions I receive most from people looking to go off-the-grid is how they can access the internet when living in remote areas of the country. This is especially important for those who rely on the internet for our jobs. It’s also a major consideration for preparedness minded people who want to connect to the internet during a power outage or long-term, grid-down situation. When we originally wrote this article ten years ago the options were pretty limited, today in 2022, finding internet access in remote parts of the world has become a lot easier. OFFGRID INTERNET OPTIONS – Connecting to the internet from Rural areas or during long-term disasters Simple Cell Phone Connections For those looking for rural or off-grid land, plenty of locations have accessible cell towers...